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August 2, 2023

Come along to Wellington Barn and create luxury Christmas wreaths with Feather Moss Flowers using a variety of gorgeous materials.

This year Wellington Barn has teamed up with Feather Moss Marlborough to create 2 Christmas wreath workshops over the festive period.. woohoo!

Come along to the Barn and create luxury Christmas wreaths using a variety of gorgeous materials. You'll learn the tricks of the trade from the amazing Larrie Lang Director of Feather Moss Flowers Marlborough and leave with your very own bespoke creation -

Beautifully fragrant and one of a kind!

Each workshop Includes:

Mulled wine, mince pies, music, 1.5 - 2 hours of tuition, and all your materials for the wreath.


1) Wednesday 29th November 18:30 - 20:30

2) Thursday 30th November     18:30 - 20:30

These are super fun for Christmas work do’s, family occasions or just to practice your floristry skills.

We can't wait to see you and to start getting into the Christmas Spirit! 😊

To book your ticket visit our eventbrite link.

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